My Skincare routine
Today I thought I would share my skincare routine and how I cleared my skin!
I have been using these products for absolutely ages and they work wonders for my skin!
I LOVE trying out new fact I'm a complete product junkie!, but when it comes to my skincare
I don't like to change anything really because now I have found products that do the trick, and that my skin actually likes I don't want to risk it breaking out again.
So to start off with I just wipe away the majority of my makeup with these Skin therapy makeup wipes. These are just cheap and cheerful, nothing fancy at all. But what I like about them is that they are fragrance free so they are very gentle to the skin. They claim to cleanse, tone and moisturise in one, I can't say that I have noticed they have done that but at 2 for £1 you can't really go wrong!,(each pack contains twenty five wipes.)
The next thing I do is wash my face with this Clean&Clear deep action cream wash. I use a generous amount and massage it into my face and then rinse it off with warm water. I love this because it is really refreshing, I must say it doesn't exactly have the most pleasant smell it smells kind of chemically but I find it really cleans your face thoroughly and overall I really like this.
Next I will just get a cotton wool pad and put some water on it just to get any remaining bits of makeup left on my skin, I just use water because there is nothing your skin likes better than water, and it is very refreshing.
Now my face is completely free of any makeup , I would use this Quinoderm 5 cream. I love this, this product is probably the main product that cleared all of my skin up. I had really bad breakouts all the time, mostly on my forehead I literally tried everything from home recipes to pretty much all the products in boots,haha!In the end I went to the chemist for some advice and they said to try this out it is only 4/5 pounds roughly and less is more with this so it lasts forever!, its lasted me months and months and there is still a fair amount in it. It says for acne on it but mine was not acne it was more of a on going break out ,but it still does a great job!. This have literally been my life saver, I saw results within days. When I first started using it, it made my skin quite dry, so I couldn't wear foundation for a couple of days because it just looked flakey and horrible but with time your skin gets used to it. When applying this you need to remember to just put this on very thinly because one, it will stop it making your skin dry. And two ,it just seems to do a better job. And also just be persistent use it in the morning before you apply your makeup and at night before bed. I found that It seemed to of stopped helping but I stuck at it and I started seeing results again.
If you have super dry skin this may not be the product for you!!(sorry for such a long ramble!)
Then to finish off I just apply a generous amount of the Clean&Clear dual action moisturiser. This was also recommended by my chemist as it is oil free, because oil is what produces break outs-(grose I know!!)so by using oil free products it is helping to minimise break outs,(My face wash is also oil free for this reason, so if you do suffer from breakouts defiantly try using Clean&Clear oil free products, or any oil free products for that matter)I particularly like this moisturiser as it also fights blemishes.
So there is my skin care ,sorry if it's a bit rambley!
I hope you enjoyed it anyway!
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